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Side View Systems for Can X-Ray Inspection

This blog reviews why side view systems are better for can X-ray inspections than top down systems.


X-ray can inspections ensure that there is no glass, metal, stone, or bone fragments stuck in the containers before they are filled or shipped out. The consequences of missing one is high. Peco InspX utilizes a “side view” system, meant to maximize the number of fragments caught during inspection.


A general rule of thumb with X-ray inspection is you always want to look through the lowest profile of the container. That way, you maximize your imaging. You can spot quickly if a can is less narrow than it is high, something you couldn’t have seen looking at it from the top down.


Let’s say you’re inspecting a tuna can that has a lower profile: even then, side views are better. That’s because side-view systems have much higher X-ray power and their signal-to-noise ratio is superior and gives you a better image and inspection. The higher the signal-to-noise ratio, the clearer X-ray images appear.


With the tuna can, if you inspect from the top, parts of the can will show up in the image. The way manufacturers circumvent this problem is by masking the side of the can. The danger of doing that, however, is that if a bone is stuck to the side of the container, you may mask it off and not detect it. A side view system will never have that problem.


Side view systems are almost always better for catching fragments and for image quality – but contact your Peco InspX representative to learn what’s best for your application.

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