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How X-Ray Inspection Finds Bones in Cans

How is X-ray inspection used to find bones in can products? This blog explains how X-ray machines can distinguish between The can, the product inside the can, and contaminants such as bone. Additionally, learn how Peco InspX provides a solution that is 60-70% more effective at finding bones in canned products than other X-ray inspection systems.

X-ray inspection is actually quite proficient at finding bones in cans. However, Peco InspX machines take detection a step further and provide a system that can detect 60-70% more bones than a standard X-ray inspection system. Read this blog post to discover how.


So how is X-ray inspection used to find bones in can products such as tuna? Even Peco InspX’s basic X-ray inspection machines have multiple layers of detection technology that make finding foreign contaminants possible.

Firstly, a very high signal-to-noise ratio allows the machine to produce an image in which the can appears very separately from the contents inside the can.

Secondly, the imaging and detection components of the X-ray inspection machines are able to very easily distinguish between the can, the contents and, and bone even at inspection speeds of around 1000 cans per minute.

When it comes to even more advanced methods of bone detection, Peco InspX machines set the bar even higher. With a multiple beam detection system, 60-70% more bones are found. This is primarily due to the fact that bones are asymmetrical. What may barely appear as a small spec from one view, can be seen as a long thin bone from a view at a different angle than the first.

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